Gaby and Bjargey

Gaby and Bjargey
Two Michigan girls, who enjoy experiencing the world. Currently based in Iceland, Toned and Traveled is the go ­to travel and lifestyle blog for women who are looking for tips and advice on traveling, health and wellness, and life.

The Kardashian Workout Plan


How to Get an A** Like a Kardashian

If there is one thing I have learned about the Kardashians, it is that they LOVE their ass-ets. I really came to understand this passion when I stood at the bottom of the stair master, dripping in sweat, unable to move because my glutes were burning. I have never met a set of women who enjoy incorporating squats into almost every one of their workout movements; until I tried working out like a Kardashian.

The girls have been working with celebrity trainer, Don Brooks. He calls his method the Don-A-Matrix and focuses on results. He incorporates high intensity workouts with muscular endurance movements to tone and sculpt the body while burning fat. Either in the gym or outside running hills, these girls were inspiring me to try something new.


The Preparation

Let’s rewind. I am all about working out but sometimes I get tired of my routine. I try and spice up my workouts by using Kayla Itsines BBG workout guides, incorporating weight lifting, and taking different fitness classes. But this summer, I watched Kourtney and Khloe’s Snapchats in amazement as they both dominated exercising. I came up with the brilliant idea to write down the Snapchat workouts and actually do them! I just signed up for a new gym membership and was eager to get back in shape after traveling so it was perfect.

After a week of stalking the girl’s Snapchat stories, I was able to collect 5 different workouts. I read online that the girls trained with Don 3-5 times a week. I decided to challenge myself by hitting the gym like a Kardashian for 5 days. This allowed me to add a day of low intensity training and also a day of rest. When the next Monday came around, I would be ready.


The Workouts

I’ll start by saying these workouts are not easy. I woke up Monday thinking I was going to be able to complete the workout without a problem, but I was wrong. Within the first 5 minutes of the warm-up, I was out of breath and my butt was on fire. Each workout challenged every muscle in my body and mental capability.

There were several times I wanted to quit but every time I felt the urge, I would pretend Don was next to me pushing me to the limit. Each workout took me about an hour from start to finish and involved a cardio warm-up, body and weight training movements, and a cool down. Here are the workouts I completed (miraculously) during my 7 day challenge:


The Results


After a week of these intense workouts, I felt stronger, leaner, and energized. I also had a major confidence boost when it came to working out at the gym. I felt like I knew what I was doing when it came to lifting weights and able to focus on my form on the machines. Near the end of the week, I noticed muscle definition in my abdominals, glutes and legs. Even though this was minimal, it felt empowering to be in control of my body and notice the change.

By incorporating this workout plan into my daily routine, drinking a lot of water and eating healthy, I lost a pound and a half in one week. If you are looking to lose weight, tone up and feel more confident, I highly recommend these workouts. It was not easy but if you want an ass like a Kardashian, you have to work for it.


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