Gaby and Bjargey

Gaby and Bjargey
Two Michigan girls, who enjoy experiencing the world. Currently based in Iceland, Toned and Traveled is the go ­to travel and lifestyle blog for women who are looking for tips and advice on traveling, health and wellness, and life.
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How I Asked My Friends to be My Bridesmaids

After your fiancé asks you the biggest question of your life, it’s your turn to ask your closest friends to play a role in your day. I was so excited to ask all of my girls to be my bridesmaids. For me, it was really important I asked my sister to be my maid of honor and my friends who have always been by my side and supportive throughout all my journeys in life to be my bridesmaids. I’m not going to lie, I am so lucky to have a lot of wonderful friends and it was difficult for me to make decision of who would all be in my wedding.

When it came down to it, I also asked one of my long time family friends, my two best friends from grade school, my childhood friend, another friend from high school and three of my friends from college. All of these girls have played an important role in my life, have stayed with me throughout the years, have been my other sisters and who also have been present and active in mine and David’s relationship. I also chose friends who I know will continue to support mine and David’s relationship throughout the years and be in my life forever (sorry babies you are stuck with me).

When I finally made my final decision, I jumped the gun and began brainstorming cute ways to officially ask them to be in my wedding. I wanted to ensure my girls felt special, so I made individual boxes with some goodies and a heartfelt written card. To the girls I wasn’t able to deliver the box in person to, I sent through the mail. I am so excited to celebrate with my girls at my wedding showers, the bachelorette and on the big day!

Here is what I included in my Bridal Party Proposal:

My Bridal Party Proposal

I ordered the PDF to this card and matched the hair color to my bridesmaids. I had it printed at Fedex and it was super easy and a great way to ask my girls! Here is the link.

I also gave each of my girls one of my favorite products from Glossier, the rose balm dotcom.

To stick to the spa trend I unintentionally started, I also sent along the Mario Badescu Facial Spray.

Because I wanted to pop champagne with each of my girls, I thought I would also include the Sugarfina Champagne Bubbles.

I wanted my girls to treat themselves to a self-care moment and so I also included a Face Sheet Mask.

Here is a link to the box I ordered for the proposals.

I also packed the boxes with this crinkle paper.

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